audit family-friendly university: Systematic Process Control for Universities, Colleges and Academies

University library, symbol of the management tool audit familiengerechte hochschule
With the audit familiy-friendly university (audit familiengerechte hochschule), universities, colleges and academies are actively working towards their goal of making studying and working conditions suitable for families. Using the audit they have decided to do justice to the variety of life plans and family forms.
The audit family-friendly university …
    • integrates family-orientation into the university philosophy and strategy
    • systematically anchors working and study conditions that meet family needs in the organization, its culture, its instruments and its communication
    • ensures a high degree of penetration, allows a critical review of the effectiveness of the measures and the adaptation of existing measures


The course of the audit family-friendly university includes…

  • first of all, the survey of the status quo
  • that leads to a needs analysis and the determination of the organisation-specific development potential
  • the definition of the strategic objective and, based on that, the development of concrete goals and measures based on the eight fields of action
  • the obligatory determination of the result in a target agreement
How we proceed:

 process audit workandfamily 590x332px

The fields of action of the audit family-friendly university

The following eight fields of action form the framework for the goals and measures of your family-friendly working and study conditions:

  1. working, research and study time
  2. work, research and study organisation
  3. work, research and study location
  4. information and communications
  5. leadership/management
  6. human resources development and scientific qualification
  7. compensation, benefits and student financing
  8. service for families


Eight Fields of Action audit familiengerechte hochschule e.g.Human resources development



Download Flyer audit berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, personnel policy, audit berufundfamilie, familiy- and life-phase-conscious(status: August 2023)

Download Presentation audit berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, personnel policy, audit berufundfamilie, familiy- and life-phase-conscious (status: June 2018)

Download Brochure berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, employees, audit berufundfamilie, audit familiengerechte hochschule (status: January 2023, 807Kb)

 Questions regarding the audit workandfamily? Please do not hesitate to contact us: +49 69 7171333-150