audit workandfamily: Strategic Management Tool for Companies and Institutions

Bowling alley with blue balls

The audit workandfamily (audit berufundfamilie) is a strategic management tool that companies and institutions use to align their HR policies with family and life-conscious awareness. Employers who use the audit work together with us to provide tailor-made and needs-based measures.

The process of auditing is a systematic process. The main topics of HR policy for the reconciliation of work, family and private life are brought together. The procedure is designed according to the structure and degree of development of your company or institution.



The course of the audit workandfamily includes…

  • first of all, the survey of the status quo

  • that leads to a needs analysis and the determination of the company-specific development potential

  • the definition of the strategic objective and, based on that, the development of concrete goals and measures – based on the eight fields of action

  • the obligatory definition of results in a target agreement
How we proceed:

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The fields of action of the audit workandfamily

Along the following eight fields of action, the goals and measures of your family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy are developed:

  1. working time
  2. work organisation
  3. work location
  4. information and communications
  5. leadership/management
  6. human resources development
  7. compensation and benefits
  8. service for families


Eight Field sof Action audit berufundfamilie e.g.Human resources development



Download Flyer audit berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, personnel policy, audit berufundfamilie, familiy- and life-phase-conscious(status: August 2023)

Download Presentation audit berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, personnel policy, audit berufundfamilie, familiy- and life-phase-conscious (status: June 2018)

Download Brochure berufundfamilie, keywords: employers, HR managers, employees, audit berufundfamilie, audit familiengerechte hochschule (status: January 2023, 807Kb)

 Questions regarding the audit workandfamily? Please do not hesitate to contact us: +49 69 7171333-150